SOSE Biosphere funding supports the environment and sustainable communities
The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere (GSAB) was a first for Scotland, in international recognition of the fantastic array of landscapes, wildlife, cultural heritage and learning opportunities that SW Scotland offers for businesses, communities and visitors to experience and celebrate. The Biosphere is home to 95,000 people who want to make life better while caring for the natural environment.
In demonstrating our commitment to long term collaboration to support the environment and sustainable communities, SOSE is providing five years of funding to GSAB, totally £1.9m. This funding will provide valuable support to help the organisation develop, strengthening their standing as a key influencer in the region and helping them achieve their sustainability ambitions. The funding will create full time jobs to allow GSAB to pilot new ideas and ways of working to foster a sustainable economy and society. Together, the activities of GSAB support communities to promote cultural heritage and tourism opportunities, whilst contributing to individuals health and wellbeing; a more integrated approach to land use that benefits the rural economy, biodiversity, climate change and local communities and help businesses market their sustainable products and services to a growing market.