
Doing Business with SOSE

We use the Public Contracts Scotland website. This makes it easy for companies to find contract opportunities from across the public sector in Scotland.

Public Contracts Scotland is the national advertising website where Scottish public sector organisations:

  • Post all regulated (over £50k) contract adverts and notices
  • Invite suppliers to submit quotations for sub regulated (below £50k) goods and services through the online 'Quick Quote' system
  • Publish contract award notices
  • Can reserve suitable contracts for supported businesses (businesses where 50% or more of the workforce has a disability)

All of the SOSE’s published documents can be found in this portal and as a public body we are subject to Public Contract Scotland Regulations 2015 and the Procurement Reform Act Scotland 2014.

SOSE is committed to supporting community wealth building and will make every effort to ensure that any contracts awarded by SOSE are designed with local SME’s in mind.

If you're a Scottish SME or third sector organisation interested in working with the public sector, the Supplier Development Programme can help you. Have a look at the following website as well as the Supplier Journey site to find out how to bid for public contracts, training opportunities, support and information.

SOSE Contracts Register

Public Contracts Register

As a requirement of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, please see below our Procurement Strategy.

SOSE Procurement Strategy 2021-2024

Procurement Policy


SOSE have a duty under the Procurement Reform Act to ensure we consider before conducting any procurement process the economic, social and environmental well-being of the South of Scotland area. We will put this in the heart of all decision making to comply with the duty and do our part to support the Scottish Government Climate Change Emergency.

SOSE Procurement Annual Report

Please see below our Procurement Annual Report. 

SOSE Procurement Annual Report 2022-23

Terms and Conditions

The following are our terms and conditions of contracts in doing business with SOSE:


If you have any questions or require more information please contact the SOSE procurement team at: