Freedom of Information
As a Scottish public body, South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) complies with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 which is enforced by the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner who has the necessary powers to regulate compliance.
The Act provides a right of access to information held by public bodies. It also requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme.
Authorities are under a legal obligation to:
- Publish the classes of information that they make routinely available
- Tell the public how to access the information and what it might cost
We have adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2018 produced by the Scottish Information Commissioner.
In adopting the Single Model Scheme, SoSE has produced a Guide to Information which:
- Allows you to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class
- States what charges may be applied
- Explains how to find the information easily
- Provides contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing information
- Explains how to request information that has not been published
To make a request for information under the Freedom of information (Scotland) Act, please contact:
Or write to:
Director of Finance & Corporate Resources
South of Scotland Enterprise
Carmont House
The Crichton
Bankend Road
You might also be interested in
Guide to information available through our publication scheme
Freedom of Information Requests and Responses
Our published Freedom of Information Requests and Responses
- 230711 (086) FOI Funding to Laggan Outdoor Ltd
- 230718 (088) FOI Funding to Whithorn Trust
- 230720 (090) FOI Funding to Whithorn Trust
- 230720 (091) FOI Funding to Building Futures Galloway
- 230721 (093) FOI Estate Management
- 230817 (094) FOI Staff Costs
- 230817 (095) FOI Compensation Payments
- 230817 (096) FOI Fraud Losses
- 230817 (097) FOI PR and Comms
- 230817 (098) FOI Written Off Assets
- 230817 (099) FOI Agency Staff
- 230823 (100) FOI Funding to Building Futures Galloway
- 230823 (103) FOI SOSE Funding
- 230913 (105) FOI Compensation Payment
- 230913 (106) FOI Fraud
- 230913 (107) FOI Written off assets
- 230926 (108) FOI Business Travel
- 230928 (110) FOI Employee Costs